W1U 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

W1U 5 is a postcode sector in Westminster, UK. Below is a complete list of W1U 5 Postcodes (Active). W1U 5 postcode sector comprises of 135 active postcodes. W1U 5 sector has a population of 1059, and it has 583 properties in the region.

Browse Information On W1U 5 postcode sector

W1U 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1059
Addresses / Property Count 583
Active Postcodes 135
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of W1U 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 135 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
W1U 5AB 51.52094500 -0.15569900 N/A N/A 528055 181837
W1U 5AE 51.52112400 -0.15577400 2 7 528049 181857
W1U 5AF 51.52126000 -0.15579800 N/A N/A 528047 181872
W1U 5AG 51.52130500 -0.15581000 4 8 528046 181877
W1U 5AH 51.52176600 -0.15597900 16 38 528033 181928
W1U 5AJ 51.52198300 -0.15605700 11 21 528027 181952
W1U 5AL 51.52134300 -0.15593800 24 35 528037 181881
W1U 5AN 51.52182100 -0.15602000 12 27 528030 181934
W1U 5AQ 51.52130500 -0.15581000 N/A N/A 528046 181877
W1U 5AR 51.52111600 -0.15351200 6 14 528206 181860
W1U 5AS 51.52095500 -0.15359000 N/A N/A 528201 181842
W1U 5AT 51.52157700 -0.15355400 3 7 528202 181911
W1U 5AU 51.52168400 -0.15360400 2 5 528198 181923
W1U 5AX 51.52187200 -0.15359600 5 14 528198 181944
W1U 5AY 51.52206300 -0.15357800 N/A N/A 528199 181965
W1U 5AZ 51.52195700 -0.15383800 4 5 528181 181953
W1U 5BA 51.52221000 -0.15217000 N/A N/A 528296 181984
W1U 5BF 51.52179300 -0.15426300 N/A N/A 528152 181934
W1U 5BG 51.52183100 -0.15437600 N/A N/A 528144 181938
W1U 5BH 51.52189600 -0.15398400 11 17 528171 181946
W1U 5BJ 51.52078600 -0.15426000 18 28 528155 181822
W1U 5BL 51.52142400 -0.15482500 24 37 528114 181892
W1U 5BN 51.52142400 -0.15482500 26 45 528114 181892
W1U 5BP 51.52142400 -0.15482500 26 38 528114 181892
W1U 5BQ 51.52157900 -0.15378100 15 26 528186 181911
W1U 5BR 51.52091200 -0.15426900 17 26 528154 181836
W1U 5BS 51.52176200 -0.15401900 15 25 528169 181931
W1U 5BT 51.52206800 -0.15402100 12 44 528168 181965
W1U 5BU 51.52226600 -0.15405600 11 31 528165 181987
W1U 5BW 51.52142400 -0.15482500 28 46 528114 181892
W1U 5BY 51.52094000 -0.15374900 13 20 528190 181840
W1U 5DT 51.52161900 -0.15567200 2 4 528055 181912
W1U 5EF 51.52146400 -0.15211700 N/A N/A 528302 181901
W1U 5EG 51.52150200 -0.15232800 6 8 528287 181905
W1U 5EH 51.52149600 -0.15253000 1 6 528273 181904
W1U 5EJ 51.52149800 -0.15268900 2 2 528262 181904
W1U 5EL 51.52140400 -0.15354300 1 2 528203 181892
W1U 5EN 51.52143400 -0.15377300 16 27 528187 181895
W1U 5EP 51.52116700 -0.15280300 5 5 528255 181867
W1U 5EQ 51.52147600 -0.15241600 6 7 528281 181902
W1U 5ER 51.52115600 -0.15264500 14 29 528266 181866
W1U 5ES 51.52121400 -0.15235400 3 7 528286 181873
W1U 5ET 51.52121300 -0.15229700 3 4 528290 181873
W1U 5EW 51.52122400 -0.15295900 N/A N/A 528244 181873
W1U 5HD 51.52122900 -0.15160400 N/A N/A 528338 181876
W1U 5HE 51.52122900 -0.15160400 N/A N/A 528338 181876
W1U 5HF 51.52122900 -0.15160400 N/A N/A 528338 181876
W1U 5HG 51.52122900 -0.15160400 N/A N/A 528338 181876
W1U 5HH 51.52122900 -0.15160400 N/A N/A 528338 181876
W1U 5HJ 51.52148600 -0.15133400 N/A N/A 528356 181905
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